Remembering Debra Larson

 One year ago, Debra Larson, close friend,  passed away after a two year struggle with cancer. She was one of the first women to come to Breitenbush Hot Springs in Oregon and create a new experiment in community living. Her beauty and wonderful smile touched all that new her. Her ex-partner Peter Moore and I spent many a Saturday morning enjoying breakfast at her home after we came back from our regular walks at Minto-Brown park, a 900 acre place of wildness in Salem, Oregon. Reflecting over the past year, she is one of many, myself included, that have been diagnosed with some form of cancer. Recent studies show that one out of three persons in our lifetime will be diagnosed with cancer. Indications that increased environmental toxicity premeating the earth is naturally affecting humans at an alarming rate. As a matter of survival, it is urgent that we work for an end to the rampant industrial growth that has plagued our world and move towards a future that is sustainable.

 Debra Larson R.I.P.

Let each person in our lives who is diagnosed with cancer be a call to action to create a safe world for our future generations.

with love and remembering Debra,




Courage is the First Sign of Spirit


Esalen at Big Sur